Find Us

  • AJC Hearing
  • 1 Garnett Street
  • Stockport
  • Cheshire
  • SK1 3AR
(By appointment only)

By Car

For sat nav, our postcode is SK1 3AR.  Our address is 1 Garnett Street, Stockport.  On What 3 Words we are found using the words wires.deputy.intelligible

1 Garnett Street is located on Hillgate, between Covent Garden and Crowther Street.


On entering Garnett Street, you will find a carpark immediately on the left.  Our visitors space is the one closest to the door.

By Bus

Disembark at Grand Central.   On the side of the road where Stockport Library is located, turn down Wellington Street, crossing a roundabout and passing a Casino on your left.  When you reach the traffic lights (where Richer Sounds is located), turn right.  Pass Crowther Street on your right and then the next right turning is Garnett Street.  AJC Hearing is located on the corner of the first car park on the left.

By Train

Disembark at Stockport and walking past the Hotel and then Grand Central Leisure Centre on you left, you will arrive at the A6.  Cross over the A6 and walk left in the direction of Manchester and then turn right onto Wellington Street.   Pass straight over a roundabout and the Casino on your left.  When you reach the traffic lights (where Richer Sounds is located), turn right.  Pass Crowther Street on your right and then the next right turning is Garnett Street.  AJC Hearing is located on the corner of the first car park on the left.

By Foot

AJC Hearing can be found on Google Maps for the quickest and easiest route.   We are located on Garnett Street, which is a small side road off Hillgate.

From the corner of Wellington Street and Hillgate (where Richer Sounds is Located), journey up hill, passing Crowther Street on your right. Garnett Street is the next right and AJC Hearing can be found on the left hand corner of the first car park.

From Higher Hillgate venture down hill, passing Waterloo Road on the right (where Strawberry Studios is).  Pass The Red Bull Pub and then Covent Garden Cafe, then within a matter of yards, Garnett Street is located on your left.  AJC Hearing being directly behind Minuteman Printers.

