Earwax Removal Stockport

In-store wax removal prices

One ear


  • Microsuction earwax removal
  • Non-invasive
  • Safe & pain free
  • Suitable for most people including hearing aid users and perforated ear drums
  • £25 home visit call out charge in Stockport area
Book earwax removal

Both ears


  • Microsuction earwax removal
  • Non-invasive
  • Safe & pain free
  • Suitable for most people including hearing aid users and perforated ear drums
  • £25 home visit call out charge in Stockport area
Book earwax removal

Home visit service available - a non-refundable deposit may be required.
We cover all SK postcodes as well as Greater Manchester.

Qualified Hearing Aid Audiologist

Earwax Removal should always be carried out by a qualified Hearing Aid Audiologist, that is registered by the HCPC.

At AJC Hearing, our Audiologist, Andrew Cattini has over ten years of experience in wax removal and works from our Stockport practice.

(1 Garnett Street, Stockport, SK1 3AR ).

Evening and weekend appointments are available on a limited basis.

Home visits can be arranged but call out fees apply.

Earwax Removal using Micro-Suction

AJC Hearing uses Micro-suction which is a safe and pain free method of removing ear wax. It is a non-invasive procedure suitable for most people, including hearing aid users and those with perforated ear drums.

This is a preferred technique compared to past traditional methods of ear syringing and ear irrigation.

Questions about earwax removal

If you have never had wax removed before or it has been a long time since it was done, it is often beneficial to use some olive oil eardrops for three or four days.

This can help loosen the wax a little bit.

Using drops will soften the wax and sometimes it might even open a gap,  enabling you to hear better.  Other times it may temporarily get worse as the wax can move and block the canal completely.

Oil drops generally will not clear the ear but they will make the wax more compliant when it comes to having it extracted.

Appointments usually take between fifteen minutes and half an hour.

Micro-suction is a safer method than syringing as it is suitable for most people, whereas syringing is not suitable for perforated ears or ear drums that have been operated on.

Tinnitus is often a sign of hearing loss, be it permanent or temporary.

Earwax causes hearing loss which in turn can bring on tinnitus.  It is not uncommon once earwax has been removed for the tinnitus to dissipate (if it is short term).

Obviously, if the tinnitus is more a long term, permanent thing, than wax removal will not make it go away.

The preferred method at AJC Hearing is micro-suction but we do have an alternative water based solution for situations where the proximity or consistency of the wax  renders micro-suction less comfortable than syringing.

This is only suitable if the client meets certain criteria.

Generally, the more you have wax removed the less oil is required.

If you have never had it done or it's been a long time since, then the wax is going to be hard and sometimes embedded in any hairs you may have in your ear canals.

Using oil will loosen it so that hopefully when the micro-suction probe touches the wax, the wax will attach itself and exit the ear canal.

Everybody is different and some people require it more frequently than others.

Generally only time will tell whether you are someone that would benefit from it being done six monthly, annually or every two or three years.

Alternatively, you could just get it done as and when required.

Earwax is a perfectly natural occurrence: natures way of protecting and cleaning the ear.  Normally wax will exit the ear on its own, however there are a myriad of reasons why for some of us it doesn't.

Cause and effect: hearing aids, ear plugs, music buds blocking the ear resulting in wax stopping its migration and slowly building up.

Hairy ear canals causing wax to become embedded.

Anatomy of the ear canal:  narrow ears or the shape of the individuals canals causing the wax to build up.



  • After 2 weeks of not being able to hear, I had my ears Microsuctioned at AJC and found INSTANT relief! Not overly expensive and I was able to get a next day appointment. Needless to say, I would visit again in a heartbeat!

(By appointment only)

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0161 784 0067